Below you can find some itineraries with images of the different lodges in them, but this list is by no means exhaustive. You can also view our other Deluxe and Classic itineraries by clicking on one of the links below. For bespoke itineraries, please contact us directly to discuss your project.
4-day Sabi Sand Safari with Umkumbe Bush Lodge including return airport transfers from ZAR 17,200 per person sharing interactive itinerary here |
4-day Sabi Sand Safari with Umkumbe Safari Lodge including return airport transfers from ZAR 19,200 per person sharing interactive itinerary here |
For more low-key itineraries in the Greater Kruger area and also for some longer Greater Kruger as well as South Africa & Southern Africa combination itineraries please click on the buttons below, or contact us directly for a bespoke itinerary.